Rambling again!

Kinda want to live in a cabin at norway and just make games or something I dont really know. Not sure why I typed that really but that's how these posts go I guess,, yeah uh ok. I've been working on this renaissance shoot em' up with my good buddy friend Plant and it's starting to look so cool,, I'll post a youtube video of me playing it on the bottom of the post if you want to check it out! And like,,, I'm really thinking about selling it for a few bucks on itch.io so I could get some pocket money or somethin, could be cool, maybe idunno. I am very proud of the project, very proud, and I've never been happier with a game before, it's really cool, yeah. The project is pretty much feature complete. There's only sounds n polish n art left to do!!! Very cool. The game is kinda abstract, it's deep and strategic, but it's also very knowledge heavy.. which means that you'll be learning the mechanics and systems of the game by experimenting, no hand-holding or anything, I'm not even sure if I'll have a tutorial in the game so you can figure it all by yourself.

Another thing is that LTGD (Little Things Get Damaged),, a game I made with my good buddy friend Sai,, has been doing pretty well on itch!! It's soon at 2000 plays which is pretty good imo, especially when we didn't even try to really make it a big game. Reddit is a miracle, telling you, we got like 60% of all plays from there. Then also this random japanese blog website featured us which was pretty cool, the blog is also kinda popular so that brought some plays. And also Warpdoor featured us too!!! That was so cool, I love Warpood,, thanks Corey :) That made me really happy.

Idunno this is just me kinda splurging all of my thoughts into this blog welp dunno if that's a good thing, also most people are having a hard time reading what I write because I couldn't give less about sentence structures and shit when I ramble but oh welp that's funny it's fine ok.

Watch gameplay of Circular Shmup!.

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